— Calvin and Hobbes
Bill Waterson
For the theoretical part of my studies, I spent some time at the
UJF (Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble) and
UNICE (University of Nice) where I respectively earned
my M.S. degree and M.Phil. degree in pure mathematics.
Finally, I got my Ph.D. in computer sciences from the UVSQ
(University of Versailles). More precisely, my thesis was about cryptography and was co-directed by
Henri Gilbert and Jacques Patarin. (More cryptography on my research pages).
For the practical side, I earned an engineering diploma in
the field of networking from the ENST
(École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications), Paris.
I also got a certification in corporate networking from the Eurecom
institute, Sophia-Antipolis, France, where I specialized in the area of information security.
My resume and references are available upon request.